So your enterprise has decided to adopt the cloud – that’s great! However, do you have a cloud adoption strategy in place? As more businesses implement cloud-based solutions into their infrastructures, the need for strong cloud adoption plans increases as well. A company can’t just dive headfirst into the cloud; they need to establish a cloud adoption strategy first.
How do you design a successful cloud adoption strategy? What factors should be included this strategy, and how often should it be updated? How can your enterprise determine whether or not this strategy is working? Below, we’ve compiled a list of five tips to help you create a flawless cloud adoption strategy.
One way to help make your cloud adoption process easier is by engaging with a managed cloud service provider. Our free MSP Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top cloud managed service providers for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as questions you should ask vendors and yourself before buying. We also offer an MSP Vendor Map that outlines those vendors in a Venn diagram to make it easy for you to select potential providers.
Consider the entire cloud journey
A successful cloud adoption strategy should not just be concerned with the initial stages of introducing your enterprise to the cloud. Your strategy should address every part of your cloud transformation, from the initial migration to beyond. You won’t be able to determine if your cloud adoption has gone smoothly after only working with it for a few months; it takes time to fully evaluate your adoption and see if another course of action is required.
Plan your cloud adoption in stages
Adopting the cloud isn’t a one-step process that can be done overnight. It can take years for your enterprise to fully integrate the cloud into your infrastructure, and it requires your company to think critically about your cloud deployments. Your business needs to determine what data, applications, and processes to move onto the cloud first, prioritizing migrating non-essential information before important or sensitive data.
Understand your cloud business case
Before you bring your business to the cloud, you need to understand why you’re adopting the cloud in the first place. Your business shouldn’t move to the cloud just because it can. Even though you can accomplish an ever-increasing number of tasks in the cloud, that doesn’t mean that a cloud solution will be the best fit for your processes. Your company’s cloud business case will depend on what you need from the cloud. You might just need another place to store data, or you want to take advantage of the public cloud to build applications. Whatever the reason, successfully adopting the cloud will be much easier if you understand your cloud business case beforehand.
Identify potential cloud adoption problems
You can’t expect your cloud adoption process to work 100% right out of the gate. Your company is bound to encounter a problem while moving your data and processes over to the cloud. This is to be expected, and your company can properly prepare itself for any problems that might arise to prevent them from affecting you. Common issues include data compatibility or not being able to run legacy applications in a cloud environment. Even if these problems don’t end up happening, it helps to prepare your enterprise just in case.
Evaluate your cloud adoption strategy over time
Once you’ve fully adopted the cloud and everything you wanted to migrate is now cloud-based – you still aren’t done. Your company should periodically examine whether or not your cloud adoption strategy is working well enough. This evaluation should include how much of your adoption process is complete, how long you expect the rest of it to take, and areas of your cloud deployments you think could be improved.
Running a cloud environment and need help managing the cloud services you use? Our MSP Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top cloud managed service providers for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as questions you should ask vendors and yourself before buying. We also offer an MSP Vendor Map that outlines those vendors in a Venn diagram to make it easy for you to select potential providers.
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